Oasis consists of four animated segments driven by a narrative of a multimedia interpretative dance production created by Nejla Yatkin, Oasis-Everything you Ever Wanted to Know About the Middle East, but Were Afraid to Dance. Animation, inspired by Persian shadow theater tradition and the works by Lotte Reiniger, in a juxtaposition with the reality of the choreography explores questions of identity, veiling, torture and spirituality. Included are three out of four segments.
Concept: Nejla Yatkin, Iga Puchalska, Julien Christopher Smasal
Animation, Editing: Iga Puchalska, Julien Christopher Smasal
"...fantastic animation by Iga Puchalska and Julien Smasal telling the story of a young girl asking her father all about life and the nature of human beings. It’s beautiful and quite original." -The ArtsWire
"...a lovely shadow puppetry animation by Iga Puchalska and Julien Smasal projected onto three staggered sheets. These amazing puppets are far more detailed than the bunnies created with your fingers and a flashlight against the bedroom wall..." -NYtheater.com
"...animated silhouettes of a young girl conversing with her wise grandfather introduce the element of innocent curiosity." - InfiniteBody
"...charming animation by Iga Puchalska and Julien Smasal, the work offers a variety of message-laden episodes..." -backstage.com